Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020

Read The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I By Sarah MacLean

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The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I-Sarah MacLean

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Ebook About
Lady Sophie’s Society SplashWhen Sophie, the least interesting of the Talbot sisters, lands her philandering brother-in-law backside-first in a goldfish pond in front of all society, she becomes the target of very public aristocratic scorn. Her only choice is to flee London, vowing to start a new life far from the aristocracy. Unfortunately, the carriage in which she stows away isn’t saving her from ruin . . . it’s filled with it.Rogue’s Reign of Ravishment!Kingscote, “King,” the Marquess of Eversley, has never met a woman he couldn’t charm, resulting in a reputation far worse than the truth, a general sense that he’s more pretty face than proper gentleman, and an irate summons home to the Scottish border. When King discovers stowaway Sophie, however, the journey becomes anything but boring.War? Or More?He thinks she’s trying to trick him into marriage. She wouldn’t have him if he were the last man on earth. But carriages bring close quarters, dark secrets, and unbearable temptation, making opposites altogether too attractive . . .

Book The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I Review :

The story is basically the Kardashians or whatever celebrity scandal is currently the rage, but set in the Regency Era.The heroine is the youngest of 7 sisters, all whose names begin with S. Their father is "new" money and he won the title of earl off the Prince Regent in a card game. "Society" looks down on them, but there's the money involved, and, of course, the fun of the gossip papers that the seven sisters love to be in. Well, all of the sisters except the heroine.I wanted to like the story. See, I strongly dislike celebrity anything. The only celebrity news I follow is whatever headlines catch my attention at the check out lane in the grocery store. Most of which make me roll my eyes.CharactersI did like the heroine. The youngest of the sisters, she is the least scandalous. Although she does push her eldest sister's husband, a duke no less, into a pond for fornicating at a party with a woman that wasn't her sister. Of course this caused outrage, but I was not entirely sold on every member of the aristocracy pulling their investments out of her father's hands because of it. You see, they needed coal during this time and it was very profitable. I can't see too many people risking fortunes because a duke got embarrassed doing something he was allowed to do only if he didn't get caught.I also liked that she was bold and tried to take care of herself. Not sure anyone would mistake her for a boy, even in livery, but I let it slide and enjoyed it for the silly it was.The hero was ... Well, he was not a gentleman. He wasn't even an alpha hero that sort of gets away with being a bit over-bearing. He's actually rather rude to her, insulting, and arrogant in all the wrong ways. He has taken serious liberties with the heroine, and then when he gets caught taking her virginity, well, clearly she was out to get him the whole time! Really?!? I have no idea what the heroine saw in him.Hero's father - I wanted to like him, but I didn't believe he'd allow a misunderstanding between him and his son to continue for 15 years.PlotAfter dunking her brother-in-law, the heroine wants to make an escape from the party, but can't. When the hero won't help her, she bribes his stable boy for his livery and thinks they are going back to London. It's only when they're out in the country that she realizes they went the wrong way. The hero is actually going to his country home because he believes his father is on his deathbed.Sarcasm ensues when he realizes one of the Scandalous S sisters has stowed away with him, and when he again refuses to help her, she takes matters into her own hands and manages to get fare for the stagecoach.Like I said, totally not a gentleman. He even leaves her to sleep with the male servants...Of course the stagecoach is robbed, she's shot, and the hero gets there just in time to save her.A bit of falling in love happens as he sees to her recovery. Not entirely sure what she sees in him as he continues to be rather insulting.More hi-jinks, and when she's at her lowest point, the hero decides to take her home with him as his fiancee to help his father into the grave. After all, she is a Scandalous S sister. And clearly he thinks she has no feelings at all as he uses her so callously, especially when he knows how lost and adrift she is. He's a gem.When he gets home, however, he learns his father is hale and whole and nowhere near death. Father and son have some unresolved issues which get resolved amidst more misunderstandings with the heroine.This is a romance novel, so it all gets resolved and you get your happy ever after ending.All in all, I wish the heroine would've kicked the hero to curb and found someone that knew how to treat another human being. You might like it better if you like celebrity gossip, but still don;t see much redeeming in the hero.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of this book, despite the decisions made by the heroine being pretty ridiculous - I don't mind extending my imagination a bit. The hero was pretty outlandish too, with how uncaring he was, but it made for a good read and a fun dynamic between the two. It started sliding downwards a little past the middle, as it was obvious they had feelings for each other but neither one could admit it. It was frustrating to read, going around and around quite a few times to the point that i wanted to just skip to the end. But I didn't! I carried on and it picked up just a bit better nearer to the end but then crashed again with a ridiculous scene that brought everything back around on itself so conveniently that it was even too contrived for a silly romance novel.SPECIFIC SPOILERS AHEAD:There didn't appear to be any real reason for Sophie and King to not get together by the time they got to Lyne castle, they both kept saying over and over that it would never work, they could never be together, he could never love her... But he already did, rather obviously, and the only thing stopping him was that "the line would end with him" because his father was mean about a previous low born lady love..... But guess what, surprise, his father waited 15 YEARS to tell him the truth about what happened that night, that life-altering pivotal moment in this young man's life was a complete lie and his father left him to keep believing it for 15 years while his son decided to ruin his own chances of ever being happy...... :D yeah. But so, okay, the whole reason the line needed to end is false and his dad is actually an okay dude, so now we can get to proposing and ending happily ever after right? Nope! The line still needs to end and he can never love... Even though he already does. And then! To make things even more ridiculous, it turns out Sophie's entire family has been exiled because of what she did in the beginning of the book and they've now lost all their money so it's up to Sophie to fix it by marrying King, so even after all the nonsensical back and forth we've gone through, now here's another contrived obstacle and of course it goes sour and despite anything Sophie is saying, King decides to ignore everything he knows about the woman he loves and treats her like a money hungry climber out to get him, but very quickly comes to his senses because of something else contrived, then not only do we need to deal with that, but her effing cart has turned over just like his previous love's and at this point you're just rolling your eyes, waiting for it to end.But... I did generally enjoy the book, and the characters. Just, if you want, you can simply stop reading and come up with your own tidy ending at any point after they reach Cumbria lol

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Read The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I By Sarah MacLean Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: stephonmal

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